Connecting with Other Parents
LLL is very friendly, and it’s amazing just to sit in a room full of breastfeeding moms.
Infant Massage Classes
Events, listserves, reviews, parenting blog, nanny search etc.
Pathways Connect
A gathering group where you will find like-hearted parents sharing their insights and experiences. Holistic, conscious living means making informed choices that are right for your family. In Pathways Connect, you will find respect and support for those choices.
PACE (Parent and Community Education) hosts groups of up to 10 women with babies up to age of 5 mos. First-time moms do an 8-week session, and costs about $250. Second-time moms have a range of topic meetings to choose from, and it costs $150. They have them in various localities – MD, DC, and VA. Notes from Margie Lidoff, post partum doula: Each week they focus on different topics (baby/child care issues: food, sleep, discipline, etc). It’s held in a "safe" place for 2 hours each week, and the moms can feed/change/calm the babies w/o being concerned about if they're disturbing anyone.
MOMS Clubs (for stay at home moms) are all over the place, with varying dues, newsletters, playgroups, etc:
Moms club of Burke-
Stroller Strides
Stroller strides is an exercise group where you exercise with your child in the stroller.
Mama’s Link
Mama’s Link does different activities each week for about 6 weeks- a social and educational community of moms and moms to be.
Another option is to search for local playgroups, etc.
Attachment Parenting
Attachment Parenting International has chapters and meetings that can be found at
DC Baby
Good list of baby-centered events in NOVA/DC, reviews of local stores & services, etc.
Holistic Moms
a national non-profit organization connecting parents who are interested in holistic health and green living.
Mothers of Preschoolers – is a group that is about meeting the needs of every mom of a child from conception through kindergarten.
Hangouts for moms
Buzz Bakery
Grounded Coffee